Rationality (Gen Ed 1066)





In an era of fake news, conspiracy theories, quack cures, science denial, and paranormal woo-woo, the well-being of the world depends on an understanding of rationality, why it is so easily eclipsed by irrationality, and how the rational angels of our nature can prevail.


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Steven Pinker

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How can members of a species that discovered symbolic logic and the double helix also believe that the earth is flat and that Hillary Clinton ran a child-sex ring out of a pizzeria? Human rationality is very much in the news, as we struggle to understand how an era with unpreceded scientific sophistication could harbor so much fake news, conspiracy theorizing, and “post-truth” rhetoric. Rationality has also long been a foundational topic in the academy, including philosophy, psychology, economics, mathematics, and government.

Part I of “Rationality” discusses the nature of rationality and teaches its major tools, including logic, probability, statistical decision theory, Bayesian reasoning, game theory, rational choice, critical thinking, and correlation and causation.

Part II covers the cognitive science of rationality, including classic writings by psychologists and behavioral economists. Are humans a “rational animal”? Can machines be artificially rational? Could our irrational heuristics and biases be evolutionary adaptations to a vanished world? Could beliefs that are factually irrational be socially rational as expressions of loyalty to a cultural or political tribe? Can people be cured of their irrationality?

Part III covers applications. How can our opinions and practices be made more rational? Examples may include government policy, crime, development aid, sports, journalism, polling, medicine, psychotherapy, forecasting, and philanthropy. Some topics will be presented by expert guest lecturers.

Assignments will include a midterm exam, class quizzes, and a capstone project, in which students will choose a cause or concern and explore how principles of rational analysis could make it more attainable.


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See also: Ethics & Civics